Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
HP-78100A 78101A Service Manual

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
HP 683C Service manual

FREQUENCY RANGE:SWEEP RANGE:RF SWEEP RATEOF CHANGE:SWEEP TIME:POWER OUTPUT:POWER VARIATION:RESIDUAL FM:SPURIOUS SIGNAL:MAXIMUM SWR:OUTPUT CONNECTOR:SWEEP MODE:SWEEP OUTPUT:SWEEP WIDTH:FREQUENCYDIAL ACCURACY:RESIDUAL AM:MODULATION:POWER:DIMENSIONS:WEIGHT:2 to 4 kmc (gc)2.1 mc to 2.1 kmc (gc) in 7 steps. Continuous control between steps.16 mc/sec to 160 kmc (gc)/sec in 9 steps0.0135 sec to 135 sec for full band sweep; determined by sweep range and rate.Adjustable; 0 to at least 30 mw into 50-ohm loadWith leveler operating: less than f 1.5 db over entire frequency range. Withleveler off: less than & 3 db over entire frequency range.Less than 100 kc peakAt least 20 db below cw output2.5 or lessType N femaleRecurrent; externally triggered (20 volts positive with better than 3 volts/psecrate of rise); manually triggered. RF Frequency sweep is linear with respectto time and is downward from frequency dial setting.+25 volt (approximately) peak sawtooth provided concurrently with swept rfoutput for recorder and oscilloscope sweep. Source impedance 10,000 ohmsand 20 pf in parallel.Accuracy: 10% for full band sweep.greater for other calibrated sweep widths.Linearity: The half-voltage point of the SWEEP OUTPUT occurs within 5%of mid-frequency..+25%, -15% or & 3 mc, whichever is1%Greater than 40 db below carrier amplitudeInternal AM: Square wave modulation continuously adjustable from 400 to1200 cps. Peak rf output power is within 1 db of the cw level.External AM: Direct coupled dc to 300 kc/sec; -20 volts or more reduces rfoutput level from rated cw output to zero. Input impedance: 750K ohms and25 pf (approximately) in parallel.External FM: Approximately 150 volts peak-to-peak required to modulate fullfrequency range, 10 cps to 60 cps, Frequency deviation and modulating voltagemust be decreased with modulating frequencies higher than 60 cps. Inputimpedance; 43K ohms and 100 pf (approximately) in parallel; ac coupled.External Pulse: + 10 volts or greater pulse required: 5 millisecond maximumpulse length. Peak rf pulse level within 1 db of cw level. Pulse rise anddecay times less than 1 psec. Input impedance: 390K ohms and 25 pf(approximately) in parallel; ac coupl6d.115 o r 230 volts f lvo5,0 to 60 cps approximately 540 wattsCabinet Mount: 20-9/16 inches wide, 12-3/4 inches high, 18 inches deepRack Mount: 17-5/8inches wide, 10-1/8 inches high, 16-5/8 inches deepCabinet Mount: Net 105 lbs, shipping 134 lbsRack Mount: Net 105 lbs, shipping 134 lbs
HP 618B Service manual
SFrequency Range:Calibration:Frequency Stability:Output Range:Output Accuracy:Internal Impedance:Modulation:Internal Pulse Modulation:Sync Out Signals:External Synchronization:InternalSquare Wave Modulation:Internal Frequency Modulation:External Pulse Modulation:Sxternal Frequency Modulation:Power Source:Size:Weight:Accessories Supplied:3,800 to 7,600 mc covered in a single band. Repeller voltageautomatically tracked and proper mode automatically selected.Direct reading. Frequency calibration accuracy better than il%.Frequency variation less than 0.006% per degree centigradechange in ambient temperature: line voltage change of *lo%causes less than .02% frequency change.1 milliwatt or 0.223 volt to 0.1 microvolt (0 dbm to -127 dbm)into 50 ohms. Directly calibrated in microvolts and db.Coaxial Type N connector.Within i t 2 db from - 7 dbm to -127 dbm, at the end of 6 ft.output cable, terminated in 50-ohm load.50 ohms nominal. (VSWR less than 2 )Internal or external pulse, fm and square wave.Repetition rate variable from 40 to 4000 pps, pulse width variable1/2 to 10 microseconds.1) Simultaneous with rf pulse - positive.2) In advance of rf pulse - positive, variable 3 to 300 microseconds.(Better than 1 microsecond rise time and 25 to100 volts amplitude into 100 ohms load.)1) Sine wave: 40 to 4000 cps, amplitude 5 to 50 volts rms.2) Pulse signals: Zero to 4000 pps and 5 to 50 volts amplitude,both positive and negative, pulse width 0.5 to 5 microseconds,rise time 0.1 to 1 microsecond.Variable 40 to 4000 GPS, controlled by “pulse rate” control.Saw-tooth sweep rate adjustable 40 to 4000 cps. Frequencydeviation up to i 3 mc.Pulse requirements:negative, width 0.5 to 2500 microseconds.amplitude from 15 to 70 volts positive orProvides capacitive coupling to repeller of klystron. Maximumdeviation approximately i5 mc.115/230 volts *lo%5, 0 to 60 cps, 250 watts.Cabinet Mount: 17-1/2 in. wide, 14 in. high, 19-1/2 in. deep.Rack Mount: 19 in. wide, 14 in. high, 17 in. deep behind panel.Cabinet Mount: Net 95 lbs., shipping 118 Ibs.Rack Mount: Net 96 lbs., shipping 119 lbs.AC-16Q Cable Assembly, 6 feet of specially treated RG9A/U50 ohms coaxial cable terminated at each end with UG-21B/UType N male connectors. Each cable is tested and selected forminimum s w r at frequencies above 4000mc.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Lenovo ThinkPad X200 Tablet LCD Panel Replace Guide

Put the LCD panel into position, using the posts as a guide. Replace the two inner hinge screws. Close the cover and replace the two outer hinge screws. Open the cover and route the antenna leads. Connect the red and blue leads to the WWAN card, and connect the yellow lead to the WUSB card. Connect the black and gray leads to the WLAN card.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Toshiba TDP-TW95 DLP Projector Service Manual

2200 ANSI Lumens
1024 x 768 Native Resolution
4:3 Native Aspect Ratio
2000:1 Contrast Ratio
6.6 lbs
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Suzuki Gsxr 1000 k5 k6 Service Manual (2005 - 2006) Final

Agilent 34405A 5 ½ 位数字万用表用户及维修指南
Agilent 16901A Logic Analysis System Service Guide

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
HP 1707B Service manual

SHARP LC46D62U/52D62U HD LCD TV Service Manual

The Sharp LC-D62U series consists of three flat-panel LCD TVs: the 42-inch LC-42D62U, the 46-inch LC-46D62U, and the 52-inch LC-52D62U. All three sets are 1080p HDTVs, which means they have a native resolution of 1,920x1,080 and should be able to display every detail of 1080i and 1080p content. In terms of image quality, we have completed a full review of the Sharp LC-46D62U, and while we were impressed by its black-level performance, we did find a couple of other issues that kept it from achieving our full recommendation.

HP 150A Service manual

The 10 Mcs General Purpose Scope
Even if it had, like the 130A the honor of being on the first color pages in the Hewlett-Packard Journal, the 150A didn't have the same success. Built to take on Tektronix in the mainstream high performance market 10 Mcs bandwith, the 150A offered no improvement in speed or cost over the initial Tektronix 511 family introduced nearly a decade earlier.
Main Specifications are:
SWEEP: 0.02 µsec/cm to 15 sec/cm in 24 calibrated ranges
SENSITIVITY: 5 mv/cm to 50 V/cm with Model 151A amplifier
PASS BAND: DC to 10 mc - Rise time less than 0.035 µsec
COUPLING: AC or DC - 1 megohm shunted with 40 µµf
AMPLITUDE CALIBRATOR: 18 cal voltages 0.2 mV to 100 V
CATHODE RAY TUBE: 5AMP - 5000 Volts acceleration
INTENSITY MODULATION: Terminals on rear panel
PRICE: 150A Oscilloscope $1000.00 - 151A Amplifier $100.00
For the first time, a non innovatory instrument had been produced at HP. And the worst was the very bad start of the HP vs Tektronix challenge. Much information can be found on the subject in the John Minck narrative. HP would have to wait the beginning of the 60's and the coming of sampling technology to produce competitive oscilloscopes, thanks to step recovery and hot carrier diodes technology internally invented and developed by the HPA component division. Competition between HP and Tektronix would be hard during the following 20 years, with frequent advantages to Tek. Leadership would come back to HP in the mid 1980s, when oscilloscopes would have to talk with computers and became System Scopes. At that time HP took advantage of its experience in computers, and most of all, of the power of its HP-IB (Interface Bus), making oscilloscopes and hundreds of other instruments, all talking to each other and manipulating data with computers.