FREQUENCY RANGE:SWEEP RANGE:RF SWEEP RATEOF CHANGE:SWEEP TIME:POWER OUTPUT:POWER VARIATION:RESIDUAL FM:SPURIOUS SIGNAL:MAXIMUM SWR:OUTPUT CONNECTOR:SWEEP MODE:SWEEP OUTPUT:SWEEP WIDTH:FREQUENCYDIAL ACCURACY:RESIDUAL AM:MODULATION:POWER:DIMENSIONS:WEIGHT:2 to 4 kmc (gc)2.1 mc to 2.1 kmc (gc) in 7 steps. Continuous control between steps.16 mc/sec to 160 kmc (gc)/sec in 9 steps0.0135 sec to 135 sec for full band sweep; determined by sweep range and rate.Adjustable; 0 to at least 30 mw into 50-ohm loadWith leveler operating: less than f 1.5 db over entire frequency range. Withleveler off: less than & 3 db over entire frequency range.Less than 100 kc peakAt least 20 db below cw output2.5 or lessType N femaleRecurrent; externally triggered (20 volts positive with better than 3 volts/psecrate of rise); manually triggered. RF Frequency sweep is linear with respectto time and is downward from frequency dial setting.+25 volt (approximately) peak sawtooth provided concurrently with swept rfoutput for recorder and oscilloscope sweep. Source impedance 10,000 ohmsand 20 pf in parallel.Accuracy: 10% for full band sweep.greater for other calibrated sweep widths.Linearity: The half-voltage point of the SWEEP OUTPUT occurs within 5%of mid-frequency..+25%, -15% or & 3 mc, whichever is1%Greater than 40 db below carrier amplitudeInternal AM: Square wave modulation continuously adjustable from 400 to1200 cps. Peak rf output power is within 1 db of the cw level.External AM: Direct coupled dc to 300 kc/sec; -20 volts or more reduces rfoutput level from rated cw output to zero. Input impedance: 750K ohms and25 pf (approximately) in parallel.External FM: Approximately 150 volts peak-to-peak required to modulate fullfrequency range, 10 cps to 60 cps, Frequency deviation and modulating voltagemust be decreased with modulating frequencies higher than 60 cps. Inputimpedance; 43K ohms and 100 pf (approximately) in parallel; ac coupled.External Pulse: + 10 volts or greater pulse required: 5 millisecond maximumpulse length. Peak rf pulse level within 1 db of cw level. Pulse rise anddecay times less than 1 psec. Input impedance: 390K ohms and 25 pf(approximately) in parallel; ac coupl6d.115 o r 230 volts f lvo5,0 to 60 cps approximately 540 wattsCabinet Mount: 20-9/16 inches wide, 12-3/4 inches high, 18 inches deepRack Mount: 17-5/8inches wide, 10-1/8 inches high, 16-5/8 inches deepCabinet Mount: Net 105 lbs, shipping 134 lbsRack Mount: Net 105 lbs, shipping 134 lbs
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